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If you’ve ever found yourself pondering over the main purpose of Jesus, you’re not alone. It’s a question that has intrigued believers and skeptics alike for centuries. On, the go-to source for all things related to ‘What Would Jesus Do?’, this topic is explored in depth. Getting to the heart of Jesus’s mission on earth can truly enlighten one’s understanding of his teachings and, ultimately, his profound impact on the world. So, let’s peel back the layers of history, tradition, and spirituality to uncover the core of Jesus’s purpose and how it resonates with us today.

Jesus as the incarnation of God

The notion of Jesus being the incarnation of God is a bedrock of Christian faith, proposing something quite extraordinary. If you’ve ever wondered about the significance behind this, let’s dive into it together.

The significance of Jesus’ birth

Think about it—the birth of Jesus isn’t just another remarkable historical event. It represents the moment God chose to enter human history in a tangible way. The idea that the infinite could take on a finite form, being born in a humble setting, is something to truly marvel at. It sheds light on the nature of God’s closeness to humanity.

The concept of the Holy Trinity

Now, the Trinity—one God in three Persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit)—can seem like a tough nut to crack. But it’s essentially about the relationship and unity within God’s nature. Jesus, as part of this Trinity, emphasizes God’s desire to connect and be in a relationship with us.

Jesus as the physical representation of God

By walking this earth, Jesus made God’s presence accessible. Seeing Jesus is like seeing God in action—his compassion, his teachings, and his miracles all reflect God’s character. It’s as if Jesus translates the divine into a language we can understand.

Jesus as man and teacher

Beyond his divine nature, Jesus’ human aspect and role as a teacher have had a profound influence.

His teachings and philosophies

Jesus wasn’t just imparting wisdom on spiritual matters; he was revolutionizing how we see each other and ourselves. He talked about love, forgiveness, and the inward condition of our hearts, challenging the societal norms of his time.

His relationship with his disciples

Jesus didn’t just have followers; he had a relationship with his disciples. Through this close-knit group, Jesus demonstrated what it means to live out the principles he taught, fostering a sense of community and shared mission.

Impact on societies during his lifetime

During his life, Jesus’ teachings stirred a lot of pots. He challenged the status quo and showed a way of life that was radically different from the societal norms, impacting not just those around him but setting motions that would ripple through societies for centuries.

Understanding the Main Purpose of Jesus

Jesus’ mission to reveal God’s Kingdom

One of Jesus’ key messages was about God’s Kingdom, but what does that mean?

What is God’s Kingdom

God’s Kingdom isn’t a physical place but rather a way of life where God’s will is done. It’s about bringing love, justice, and peace into the world, reflecting God’s character.

Jesus’ sermons about the Kingdom of God

When Jesus spoke about God’s Kingdom, he described it as something both present and future—a reality to live now through our actions and relationships, and a hope for a complete restoration of the world.

Parables explaining the Kingdom of God

Jesus used parables to unpack the Kingdom of God, offering insights through stories about farmers, seeds, and weddings. These stories weren’t just for entertainment; they were profound revelations about what it means to be part of God’s Kingdom.

Jesus and the law

Jesus’ relationship with the law—particularly the Mosaic law—is fascinating and oftentimes misunderstood.

Understanding the Mosaic law

The Mosaic law, given to Moses, was a comprehensive system covering moral, ceremonial, and civil aspects of life. It was central to the Jewish identity.

Jesus’ approach towards the law

Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. This doesn’t mean he negated the law but rather he completed its purpose, showing the heart behind the actions.

How Jesus fulfilled the law

By living a life in perfect alignment with God’s will, Jesus was able to fulfill the law’s demands. His approach was revolutionary, focusing on the spirit of the law rather than just the letter.

Understanding the Main Purpose of Jesus

Jesus as the Savior and Redeemer

At the heart of Christian faith is the belief in Jesus as Savior and Redeemer.

Understanding the concept of sin

Sin, in Christian theology, is more than just bad actions; it’s a separation from God. It’s this gap that Jesus came to bridge.

Jesus’ death and resurrection

Jesus’ death and resurrection are central. His death is seen as the atoning sacrifice for humanity’s sins, and his resurrection is the victory over death, offering hope of eternal life.

How Jesus offered salvation through faith

Salvation in Christianity isn’t about earning God’s favor through good deeds but about accepting Jesus’ sacrifice through faith, a gift of grace that brings reconciliation with God.

Jesus and the new covenant

The idea of a new covenant is pivotal in understanding the shift that Jesus brought.

What is the new covenant

Unlike the old covenant, which was based on adherence to the law, the new covenant is based on faith in Jesus and the transformation it brings to the believer’s life.

How Jesus established the new covenant

Jesus established this new covenant at the Last Supper, signifying his blood would be shed for the forgiveness of sins, paving the way for a direct relationship with God.

Differences between the old and new covenants

The key difference is the basis of relationship with God—no longer through strict observance of the law but through faith in Jesus, which is accessible to all, transcending cultural, ethnic, and social barriers.

Understanding the Main Purpose of Jesus

Jesus as the way to God

Jesus’ claim about being the way to God is one of the most distinct aspects of Christianity.

Jesus’ declaration as the way, truth and the life

Jesus famously said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It’s a profound declaration of his unique role in bringing people to God.

Understanding the uniqueness of Jesus’ claim

This claim is unique because it doesn’t just set Jesus as a teacher among many but as the exclusive path to God. It challenges us to consider the nature of truth and salvation.

Implication of Jesus’ claim for humanity

This means that for those who follow Jesus, he is not just a historical figure but the living path to understanding God, truth, and life itself.

Jesus as a model for Christian living

Jesus isn’t just to be admired from afar; he’s to be emulated in daily life.

Emulating Jesus’ character

Living like Jesus means embodying love, patience, humility, and a willingness to serve—qualities that challenge and enrich our lives.

Principles extracted from Jesus’ lifestyle

Jesus’ life offers principles for living, such as prioritizing the marginalized, practicing forgiveness, and valuing spiritual over material wealth.

Role of faith and good works in Christian living

Faith in Jesus is the foundation, but it’s through good works—acts of love and service—that faith becomes alive and active, reflecting Jesus’ teachings.

Jesus and the Great Commission

The Great Commission is Jesus’ call to his followers to spread his teachings worldwide.

What is the Great Commission

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus tasked his followers with spreading the gospel, baptizing, and teaching all nations—essentially, to continue his work on earth.

Role of religions and followers in the Great Commission

This isn’t just a historical mandate; it’s a living call for Christians today to share the love and teachings of Jesus, supporting one another in faith.

Impact of the Great Commission on Christianity

The Great Commission has propelled Christianity from a small group in Judea to a global faith, shaping its mission, diversity, and approach to outreach and community.

Jesus’ return and end-time prophecies

Lastly, the promise of Jesus’ return holds a special place in Christian eschatology, offering hope and a call to readiness.

Understanding the book of Revelation

The book of Revelation, rich in imagery and prophecy, speaks of Jesus’ return—not just as a savior but as a judge and king, establishing God’s final Kingdom.

Significance of Jesus’ promised return

This promise assures Christians that history is moving toward a redemptive climax, where justice, peace, and God’s love prevail, encouraging a life of faithfulness.

What Jesus’ return means for humanity and the Church

For humanity, it’s a call to awareness and readiness, living in a way that reflects Jesus’ teachings. For the Church, it’s a mission to be bearers of hope and light, eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of God’s promise.

In exploring these aspects of Jesus—his nature, teachings, and mission—you’re invited to reflect on how they resonate with your own journey. Whether in contemplation or conversation, the story of Jesus has the power to challenge, inspire, and transform.