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Imagine tapping into the heart of one of history’s most revered figures to uncover what he truly desires for each of us. “What Jesus Wants for Us: Insights and Guidance” serves as your personal map to understanding the depth of Jesus’s aspirations for humanity. Crafted for the dedicated followers and curious minds at, the original What Would Jesus Do? website, this piece explores the profound yet simple wishes Jesus has for our lives. Through insightful examination and thoughtful reflection, prepare to embark on a journey that promises to enrich your spiritual understanding and guide your steps in a world that yearns for compassion and light.

What Jesus Wants for Us: Insights and Guidance

Love One Another

Understanding Jesus’ Teachings on Love

Jesus’ teachings on love are profound and revolutionary. He taught that love is not just an emotion but an action—a decision to do good for others, even when it’s hard. Jesus emphasized loving our neighbors as ourselves and even going as far as loving our enemies. This kind of love is selfless, it seeks the best for others, and it’s a foundation for all other virtues.

Practical Ways to Exhibit Love in Daily Life

Exhibiting love in daily life can be as simple as listening attentively to a friend, offering a helping hand to someone in need, or showing patience in trying situations. You can also exhibit love through acts of kindness, like volunteering your time or resources to help those less fortunate. Love in action means putting others’ needs before your own and being a source of light in someone’s life.

The Importance of Love in Resolving Conflict

Love plays a critical role in resolving conflicts because it encourages understanding and forgiveness. Approaching disagreements with love means seeking to understand the other person’s perspective and working towards a solution that benefits everyone involved. When love is the foundation, even the most challenging conflicts can be resolved in a way that strengthens relationships rather than tears them apart.


Jesus’ Message on Forgiveness

Jesus taught that forgiveness is essential to spiritual life and harmony. He instructed His followers to forgive others, not just seven times, but seventy times seven—symbolizing an unlimited forgiveness. Jesus’ message is clear: harboring resentment harms us more than the person who wronged us, and forgiveness is the path to freedom.

The Power of Forgiveness in Healing Relationships

Forgiving someone who has hurt you isn’t easy, but it’s powerful. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning what happened, but it does mean releasing the hold of resentment on your heart. When you choose to forgive, you open the door to healing and reconciliation, enabling you to move forward in your relationships with peace and love.

Steps Towards Forgiving Others and Yourself

Forgiving others starts with acknowledging the pain and allowing yourself to feel it fully. Then, make a conscious decision to let go of your grievances and wish the other person well. Remember, forgiving yourself is just as important. Acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them, and then forgive yourself with the same compassion you’d offer to others.


How Jesus Exemplified Humility

Jesus exemplified humility in every aspect of His life—from washing His disciples’ feet to laying down His life for humanity’s sins. He chose to live a life of service rather than seeking power or recognition. Jesus’ life shows us that humility involves recognizing our own limitations and putting others’ needs before our own desires.

The Role of Humility in Spiritual Growth

Humility is essential for spiritual growth because it allows us to be teachable and open to God’s guidance. It helps us to see ourselves accurately—not as better or less than others but as beloved children of God. When we live humbly, we are more inclined to rely on God’s strength rather than our own, leading to deeper spiritual development.

Embracing Humility in a World that Values Pride

In today’s world, where pride and self-promotion are often celebrated, embracing humility can feel counter-cultural. However, living with humility brings true joy and peace. It involves recognizing that every person has value and that we can learn from everyone. Humility allows us to live with gratitude and contentment, rather than constantly striving for more.


Jesus as a Servant: Lessons from the Bible

Jesus taught about servanthood primarily through His actions. He modeled a life of service, emphasizing that greatness in His kingdom comes from being a servant. Jesus’ ultimate act of service was giving His life for others, showing that true love often involves sacrifice.

Translating Servanthood into Modern Contexts

In today’s world, servanthood can take many forms, from simple daily acts of kindness to dedicating one’s life to serving others through their profession. Being a servant means actively looking for ways to help others and putting their needs above your own convenience. It’s about making a positive difference in the lives of others, one act at a time.

The Impact of Servanthood on Personal and Community Development

Servanthood not only benefits those being served but also leads to personal growth and community development. When you serve, you develop empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of others’ needs. Communities founded on servanthood are stronger, as members support each other and work together for the common good.

What Jesus Wants for Us: Insights and Guidance

Faith and Trust in God

Jesus’ Demonstrations of Faith

Throughout His life, Jesus demonstrated unwavering faith in God the Father. He trusted God completely, even in moments of great suffering. Jesus showed that faith involves obedience to God’s will and a deep-rooted belief in God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Overcoming Doubt Through Trust

Doubts are a natural part of faith, but they can be overcome through trust. When you face uncertainties, you can choose to trust God’s character and His promises, even when you don’t understand what’s happening. Trusting God means believing that He is working all things together for your good.

Cultivating a Stronger Faith in Everyday Life

Faith grows stronger through daily decisions to trust God and through practicing spiritual disciplines like prayer, reading the Bible, and fellowship with other believers. It’s also strengthened in times of trial when you choose to lean on God rather than relying on your own understanding. As you see God’s faithfulness in your life, your faith will continue to grow.

Living Righteously

Understanding Righteousness through Jesus’ Life

Jesus’ life was the ultimate example of righteousness—perfect obedience to God’s laws and a heart perfectly aligned with God’s character. He taught that righteousness isn’t just about external behaviors but about the condition of our hearts—seeking to love God and others genuinely.

Practical Steps towards Living Righteously

Living righteously involves daily choices to follow Jesus’ example by loving God wholeheartedly and loving others as ourselves. It means making decisions that reflect God’s character—choices marked by integrity, kindness, and justice. Regular self-examination and repentance are also key components of a righteous life.

Balancing Righteousness and Grace

While striving to live righteously, it’s important to remember that we all fall short and are in need of God’s grace. This isn’t an excuse for complacency but an invitation to rely on Jesus, who covers our shortcomings. Balancing righteousness and grace means striving to live a holy life while also extending forgiveness and compassion to ourselves and others when we fail.

What Jesus Wants for Us: Insights and Guidance


Jesus: The Prince of Peace

Jesus is often referred to as the Prince of Peace. He came to bring peace between humanity and God and to teach us how to live in peace with one another. His teachings and life reflect the deep peace that comes from trusting God and living in accordance with His will.

Finding Inner Peace through Faith in Jesus

Inner peace comes from a relationship with Jesus and a trust in His love and sovereignty. When your life is anchored in Jesus, you can experience peace amidst life’s storms because you know that He is in control and has your best interests at heart. This deep sense of peace affects every area of life, helping you to react to challenges with faith rather than fear.

Promoting Peace in a Divided Society

As followers of Jesus, you are called to be peacemakers in a world that is often marked by division and strife. This involves actively working towards reconciliation and unity, starting with your own relationships and extending to your broader community. It means standing up for justice and speaking the truth in love, always seeking to bridge gaps rather than widen them.


Jesus’ Teachings on Prayer

Jesus taught that prayer is a vital part of a relationship with God. He showed through His own example that prayer should be a regular practice— a way to communicate with the Father, seek guidance, and express our desires and concerns. Jesus also taught that prayer should be sincere, coming from the heart rather than being a display for others.

The Power of Prayer in Our Lives

Prayer has the power to change us and our circumstances. It draws us closer to God, aligns our will with His, and gives us strength and peace. Through prayer, we can experience God’s presence and receive guidance and comfort. The act of praying also impacts our spiritual health and can lead to miraculous outcomes in our lives.

Developing a Healthy Prayer Habit

Developing a healthy prayer habit involves setting aside regular times for prayer, but also being open to spontaneous communication with God throughout the day. It can include various forms of prayer—praise, thanksgiving, confession, and requests. Making prayer a priority and a constant in your life helps to cultivate a deeper relationship with God.

What Jesus Wants for Us: Insights and Guidance


Jesus as the Ultimate Example of Selflessness

Jesus embodied selflessness throughout His life on earth. He consistently put others’ needs above His own, ultimately laying down His life for the sake of humanity. His actions teach us that true love and leadership involve serving and sacrificing for others, without expecting anything in return.

Living a Life of Selflessness in Today’s World

Living a life of selflessness in today’s world means choosing to focus on helping others and making a positive impact in whatever way you can. It involves looking for opportunities to serve, both in big ways and small, and being willing to put aside your own desires and conveniences for the good of others.

The Rewards and Challenges of Selflessness

While selflessness can be challenging, as it goes against our natural inclinations towards self-preservation and personal gain, the rewards are immense. Selflessness leads to deeper relationships, a greater sense of purpose, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life. However, it requires constant vigilance against selfish tendencies and a commitment to putting love into action.

Benevolence and Charity

Jesus’ Teachings on Giving and Helping Others

Jesus taught extensively on the importance of giving and helping those in need. He emphasized that our attitudes towards money and possessions should reflect our love for God and our neighbor. Jesus encouraged His followers to give generously and selflessly, promising that such acts of kindness would not go unnoticed by God.

Benevolence as a Christian Duty

As followers of Jesus, you have a duty to care for the less fortunate and to act as stewards of the resources God has entrusted to you. Benevolence isn’t just about financial assistance; it’s also about offering your time, attention, and skills to help others. It’s a tangible expression of love that reflects God’s heart for humanity.

The Impact of Benevolence on Society

Acts of benevolence and charity have a profound impact on society. They not only meet immediate needs but also foster a culture of generosity and community support. When individuals and communities come together to help the less fortunate, it creates a ripple effect, inspiring others to act and contributing to a more compassionate and caring society.